Shoalwater Islands Marine Park needs protection

Shoalwater Islands Marine Park needs protection

image of Shoalwater Islands Marine Park needs protection
  • From Cape Peron to Port Kennedy, the Shoalwater Islands Marine Park is a precious place to Rockingham residents and visitors to the area. 
  • Unfortunately, the WA State Government plan guiding its management is out of date by almost eight years, and not in keeping with what the science and our community demands.
  • The stated “Vision” in the outdated Shoalwater Islands Marine Park management plan 2007–2017, was that in the year 2017, the marine flora and fauna, habitats and water quality of the Shoalwater Islands Marine Park will be in the same or better condition than in the year 2007 ...
  • From Cape Peron to Port Kennedy, the Shoalwater Islands Marine Park is a precious place to Rockingham residents and visitors to the area. 
  • Unfortunately, the WA State Government plan guiding its management is out of date by almost eight years, and not in keeping with what the science and our community demands.
  • The stated “Vision” in the outdated Shoalwater Islands Marine Park management plan 2007–2017, was that in the year 2017, the marine flora and fauna, habitats and water quality of the Shoalwater Islands Marine Park will be in the same or better condition than in the year 2007.
  • This clearly has not happened because the ‘Canary in the Coalmine’ for the Marine Park, the Little Penguins has seen the Little Penguin Colony on Penguin Island decline by approximately 94% between 2007 and 2023, due to factors including climate change, boat collisions and tourism impacts. Studies show that watercraft injury accounts for 25% of penguin deaths. 
  • An urgent update of the Shoalwater Islands Marine Park management plan is needed, as well as the Penguin Island management plan which is 22 years out of date
  • We need better protections for the species using the area to ensure it remains a special place, particularly as pressures from climate change and development increase.

Email Cook Government decision makers today

The Cook government has the power to update the no longer fit for purpose Shoalwater Islands Marine Park management plan but is currently lacking the political will.

That's why they need to hear directly from voters. 

Please take action today. Our precious Shoalwater Islands Marine Park fauna, flora and future generations are depending on it. 

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Your email will be most effective if you can share your personal story of why this matters to you. What are your memories? What are your hopes and dreams for Shoalwater Islands Marine Park and our surrounding area?